No business problem should be left unsolved.
Connect your business to great solutions for a better and sustainable future, now!


Clay Technologies offer quality and top-notch services for homeowners, small businesses, and companies.
We take pride in the quality of our technological services brought by our own team of tech experts.


From conceptualization, design, development, testing, to launching of your software, Clay Technologies will make sure that we’ll help you in every step.

Leave the technicals to us. We will turn your visions into visuals.

We provide a wide range of software development services for your business such as Desktop Application Development, Mobile App Development, and Web Development.




We know that securing your homes and business is not a simple job to do. That’s why we’re here to help you ensure the safety of your company and your future.

With safety, everyone’s concerned about something different. Nothing is more important to Clay Technologies than the safety of our community and clients.

You can now protect your home, business, and most importantly, your family members, with our security systems services such as Access Control, Fire and Burglar Alarm.

We build and provide installation of CCTVs or Command Center whether it’s in your own home or throughout the streets of your barangay. We make sure it’s connected to the most secure surveillance network and guarantee the safety of your home, family, and community.


Clay Technologies is aware of the struggles of entrepreneurs and homeowners when the pandemic started. The demand for better and faster network connection has never been stronger than now. Exactly why we aim to help families transition to the new normal, as well as entrepreneurs & corporations to keep up with the digital market.

The services we provide includes but not limited to In-building Solution which brings Fiber network and high-speed internet to your homes, Local Area Network Set-up for small and mid-size enterprises to support your business provide optimized service to your loyal customers and premium clients, and Network Infrastructure Set-up for corporations to aid them advance and broaden their network reach and strengthen the links across their departments and employees.

Our mission is to assist you modernize your home, business, or corporation by diagnosing, optimizing, and setting-up your network and devices in a cost-effective yet efficient way.




Clay has a team of tech experts who aim to bring happiness and satisfaction to customers by providing the best hardware supplies and solutions, along with under-warranty and repair services for OEM and TPM.

We also offer premium maintenance and support for operating systems on Microsoft and Linux-based devices and computers, as well as full hardware-infrastructure migration tailored to the needs of your business and corporation, and frequent PMS services to keep and ensure that your satellite offices and servers run efficiently while keeping them online and up to date.


If you have questions that need to be answered about our services, you can contact us on our page or you can send us an email and will get back to you as soon as possible.

We are more than happy to give you free consultation if you book a call on our contact us form or using the get quotation process.


Our Work

Making it better.

Go ahead and contact us anytime

Don't know what you need? We offer free consultation and quotation for your home or business needs.